Polish Arts Club of Trenton, New Jersey

Dedicated to Polish Arts and Culture Since 1946

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2009 Pononaise Ball Honoree

Stephanie B. Winowicz
2009 Pononaise Ball HonoreeStephanie Barbara Balwan Winowicz was born in Cuylerville, New York (upstate) on December 18, 1921, daughter of Peter & Hedwig Balwan and sister of Stella and Michael.

She grew up in Cuylerville attending the local public school until she was asked to come to Trenton (at age 13) to keep her Aunt, Frances Biesiada, company for the summer until Aunt Frances resettled from her job transfer to the LaCorona Cigar Factory on Grand Street.  Sometime during her initial stay, Stephanie fell in love with Trenton and decided to live with her Aunt Frances.  She was enrolled into Holy Cross parochial school in the seventh grade and had a very difficult time in school because every one of her classmates spoke Polish and she did not.  As a teenager Stephanie joined the Sodality and was very active in its various activities.  Some of her favorite memories include attending the cloakroom during the Holy Cross dinners and dances that were held.  Stephanie and her girl friends would have fun watching the people in attendance.  When she was asked to dance, and did not fancy the young man, she would use the excuse that she could not leave the cloakroom and would wait for a more suitable dance partner.

Stephanie attended Trenton High School and participated in some of the school's extra curricular activities such as the Personality Club and in sports, as a member of the "Red Team."  She graduated in the Class of 1940.  In addition to her high school activities Stephanie continued to be very active in Sodality matters at May Crownings and providing help to the numerous school fund raising card parties that were held at the home of Helen Winowicz, who served as President of the Holy Cross P.T.A. for over ten continuous years.  Obviously, this is where she would meet her future husband, Stanley J. Winowicz.

During the war, Stephanie worked at Switlik Parachute Company as she awaited the return of her Stanley from World War II who served as a Navy Chief Pharmacists Mate.  Because Stanley's brother Maximilian Jr. was extremely ill and dying plus the season of Lent was near, she was married on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday, February 9, 1946 in Holy Cross Church with a reception at the Hotel Stacy-Trent.

When her son Stanley Jr. was nine years old and established in grammar school, Stephanie decided to obtain her Funeral Director's license.  She applied to the American Academy School of Funeral Service in New York City commuting daily and graduating one year later with the help of God and her school mentor, Dean Dr. Margolis.  She was an early woman pioneer in funeral service in the days of a male dominated profession.  She was licensed November 5, 1959 and will soon celebrate fifty years of active funeral service starting with her husband, Stanley Sr. and now with her son, Stanley Joe Jr.

Some of Stephanie's other involvements include:
Member and Past President of the Holy Cross Ladies Sodality; member of the Switlik Ladies Bowling Team and instrumental for their winning of the East Coast Championship in 1944; Chair of the Polonaise Ball at the Hotel Stacy-Trent and War Memorial Building and hosting for many years the Debutants at her home in preparation for their presentation at the Ball.  She also reigned as the 1952 Polonaise Ball Queen.  she is a member of the Mercer County Funeral Directors; the New Jersey State Funeral Directors; the National Funeral Directors Association; life member and Past President, 1973, of the Navy League, Trenton Ladies Council; the Catholic War Veterans, Holy Cross Post 417, Ladies Auxilliary; the Polis-American Club of Central Jersey; and one of the founding members and Past President of both the WHY Club and the Mushroom Club.

Stephanie is honored to receive this recognition for her many years of service and support to the Trenton Polish community.  She believes that everyone should do something worthwhile and be proud of themselves and it starts with a good, solid education.  These scholarships are just one way that the Polish Arts Club of Trenton does its part in accomplishing this goal.  Stephanie congratulates the current and all past scholarship recipients!!!  :)